Editor’s Letter

By Jane Bauer

“Now more than ever do I realize that I will never be content with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere.”   Isabelle Eberhardt

I love airports!! They are magical buildings with doors leading to elsewhere. When I enter an airport I know that the next time I step outside I may be halfway across the globe. As such, I don’t mind the lines, the security checkpoints or delays. I regard them as a fair trade for the magazine stores, familiar food courts, samples of Chanel face cream- which I can never bring myself to buy, and of course, the almighty payoff…. movement. Whether I am going to a destination I know, or somewhere completely new, I am always excited and I know the day ahead is filled with possibility. Continue reading Editor’s Letter

Highways and Byways in Mexico

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 8.31.24 AMBy Jan Chaiken and Marcia Chaiken

Long distance road trips in Mexico are always an adventure. Unlike traveling the trans-Canadian highway or interstate highways in the U.S., where hundreds of kilometers roll by while the driver can relax and listen to music or an audiobook, the highways and byways in Mexico demand constant concentration and quick responses. Travelers who arrive at their destinations in cars almost always need a cold drink, at least a few hours to recuperate, and an audience to listen to their unanticipated experiences. Continue reading Highways and Byways in Mexico

Biographies and Autobiographies: Lives Through A Microscope

By Carole Reedy

Biographies and autobiographies tell us the story of a person’s life. Like fiction, the quality that makes a particular life a good read isn’t the action or adventure, but the writer’s ability to offer an intimate view of another human being: their motivations, desires, habits, and quirks. This is especially challenging when delving into the life of an artist. Continue reading Biographies and Autobiographies: Lives Through A Microscope

Travel with Children

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 8.30.23 AMBy Leigh Morrow

Many view travel with children like running out of gas at a busy intersection.

Frustrating, irritating, embarrassing, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

Why bother, they say, believing that travel with children is a prolonged duration of tears, bathroom breaks and meltdowns. Travel with children they contend, will never be that awe inspiring, soul-stirring adventure that it was pre-parenthood. Continue reading Travel with Children

How about an old-fashioned road atlas?

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 8.30.08 AMBy Deborah Van Hoewyk

Although the GIS data used to support GPS maps is more than a little iffy for Mexico, the Guia Roji—the rough equivalent of a Rand McNally road atlas for the U.S. or Canada—does an impressive job of staying up to date. It’s not perfect, but it has all the apparatus of a standard road atlas, including six levels of roadways—from divided autopistas (tollways and freeways) to terracerías (dirt roads). It shows planned roads, including the (in)famous route designed to connect 175 as it descends from Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido. It gives mileage between major cities in map form, and follows up with a diagram of many routes, including getting from Mexico City to Bahias de Huatulco. Continue reading How about an old-fashioned road atlas?

How To Buy Property in Mexico

By Erin May

Buying property in Mexico is easier than you think. As with all real estate purchases, you will need to choose your location, do your research and hire the right professionals. Tens of thousands of foreigners have purchased real estate in Mexico and with the right approach; you can be one of them. It is important to understand Mexican property law which will safeguard your investment and make the purchase process easy and smooth. Continue reading How To Buy Property in Mexico